
Many famous psychologists and philosophers acknowledge that psychical energy can be transformed by visual contact. K.G. Jung mentioned for instance that no one natural catastrophes or epidemics are as dangerous as psychical epidemics, where no reliable protection exists yet.

Psychical energy may enter the human body through the eyes like a thin web and can bring disappointment, pain and lots of problems into one’s life. Even if on the outside everything looks pretty fine, your feelings will tell you that it is not, and you will feel lies, mistrust and other discomfort feeling in your life. This is the way negativities come into human life and in this kind of situations one should take steps to eliminate them from one’s life as soon as possible.

Negative emotions can cause strong energetic vibrations. When you look at this moment into the eyes of other person you can forward your own negativities into somebody else’s life. The energetic gap can be a result of this development and cause in this way apathy, weakness, and other health problems.

There are no medicines against this problem. At the same time this disease has a incredibly strong impact on the whole body and mental health of the human being: low immunity, tiredness, digestion problems are just some of the examples. Even if before you had no remarkable issues with health. Negativities should be eliminated from your body and your life as soon as possible. And this should be done by a real professional with a track of experiences.

Special attention should be paid to old negativities kept in the foot area because they can cause lots of chronic diseases and they are the most difficult to be eliminated because human beings get used to the presence of those negativities in the own body and start to experience them as a part of themselves.

Negativities have strong impact not only on the adults but also on the children with as a result headache, insomnia, stuttering and epileptic seizures.

There is only one way to protect you from the negativities : to get protection from the Energies of Light, Love, Good and Wisdom. And the more strong the Energies are the more energy should be spent to resist and to fight them.

Don’t waste your time on searching for help of the magician: ask the strongest ones for!

I can help you to get rid of different forms of negativities and protect you from their come back !

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