
Dear visitor, welcome to my website ! I can not only improve your life but also to change it completely through eliminating from it all the negativities. This is the way I work: as a first step I search for the reason of the occurred problems which is like weed in the beautiful garden of the soul, sucking the energy and poisoning the soul. Many of us are able to see it through dreams and happenings through all their lives.

You could react on this right now: One can’t change his life. Yes, it’s true, only if you are sitting and waiting for the gifts from their life. But not for those among us who are always moving forward, fighting for their own happiness and happiness of their loved ones. Who believes that nothing happens coincidentally and there is an explanation to all the problems in their lives. Time is counted today not by months or days but rather by seconds. And we are living here and now, tomorrow there will be just a reflection of today’s life. All those people I offer my help and advice from the bottom of my heart.

Magic spells, esotericism are offered nowadays broadly through Internet. Unfortunately the so- called specialists lack sometimes even basic knowledge and skills. Many of us might need psychic help or assistance but not everybody should be allowed to enter the garden of our soul. Who really can help you is an experienced specialist who can thoroughly analyze all the events in your life and build them in the order explaining the reason on the one side and looking back to the source of the problems and negativity on the other.

My name is Michael Stein, I am white magician and cosmopolite in my beliefs with science education as a background. My clients represent various nationalities, confessions and beliefs worldwide. I realized in the beginning of my way that there are negative energies which can destroy anybody’s life and cause problems in different areas. In the past 27 years I have been working in Germany, US, Australia, Canada and West-Europe. I am being consulted when good final result is what matters or when other magicians are not able to help in one particular situation.

The last one happens very frequently because there are not many professionals in the area despite a huge amount of offers in the Internet nowadays. What I can offer comparing with other specialists is a complete diagnosis of the situation by using of reach experiences and clairvoyance ability. Since 2012 I have been working twice a month in the weekends in the Swiss Alps with a group of patients with burnout syndrome.

I don’t promise, I keep my promises. Don’t want to tell stories that I am the magician in the seventh generation, only would like to mention what my teacher once told me: Our power is centuries old.

Today we can buy books describing magic spells in almost every book store worldwide but it doesn’t mean that everybody can start using them to solve problems or help anybody else. Without certain skills, experiences and knowledge one could even worsen the situation. Magic spells called magic because only a selected group of specialists can turn their use into improvement of the situation and wellbeing.

I don’t just hold the magic rites, no, my work goes much further than that. It starts with a thorough analysis of the situation while I determine the best possible solution for your particular situation and choose the most suitable rite. This methodology of work is the key success factor in my work. Through many years of experiences I have been developing my own methodology that even in two similar situations there won’t be two similar solutions. Therefore I use my clairvoyance and priceless experiences.

I know that I am able to change your view on magic. I will prove you the existence of magic power which can help you to improve your life. Guided by me you can experience it in your own life. Just think one second about: why you are now here right now, on this site?

On this website you can find useful and interesting information which can help you to improve your life and explain you the way I work.

I can help you in the following situations :

  • -removing curse and hex;
  • -rejuvenation of the body;
  • -eliminating bad habits;
  • – relationship, crush and attraction magic;
  • -protection and prosperity of your business;
  • -improving your health;
  • – gaining confidence in future;
  • – help with starting up your own successful business in the future;
  • – experience what real white magic is…

In this case don’t hesitate to contact me. I know I can help you on this path.

We live in a very complicated world, where reasons and consequences are mixed up. And only a professional magician with proven physic abilities can help you to figure it out. I am here to offer you my help.

Your life is a result of your beliefs and it is up to you how you want to live it : healthy or ill, poor or reach. It is up to you whether to use magic or not. Wishing you all the best, Michael Stein, White Magician (I answer myself all your phone calls)


My work with everybody who has contacted me consists basically of two parts: analysis of the situation and magic rite(s).

During the diagnosis I analyze the total context of the situation using my clairvoyance experiences and skills and search for the core of the occurred problem. I will be focusing on the psychological condition of the person in his/her interaction with others involved into the situation so far.

This diagnosis will provide you and me with the answers on the questions related to relationship, work, family, children, health etc. and the real (sometimes hidden) problems will be getting visible . The problems which were caused by the violence of the Laws of the World creation .

Magic rites will be held to resolve these problems and rebuild what has been (nearly) broken.

Everyone is built according to the Russian Doll (Matrjoska) principle. Our worlds have like the Earth an inner and outer energy net. A damaged or broken net can cause a wide range of problems : from illness and relationship issues , to the problems related to health or work.

During my work I correct the energy poles and fix the energy nets. But it is not enough just to solve a problem, the person should know what needs to be done to avoid that kind of situations in the future. I work according to my own methodology in a tandem. My aim is to help you to return to a joyful and enjoyable life. Every single situation I have resolved is very unique and needs an individual approach. Time is the most valuable asset one can have today what has been proved by my long experiences. If you decide to contact me be sure, I give you all my attention and apply all my experience to help you. After the diagnosis I can tell you how your particular situation can be solved. From your side I expect trust, understanding and patience. Everything I do for you from our first contact is for your own benefit.

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